About us

AIPcalc is an independent devison of AQcomputare GmbH, based in Chemnitz and provides services in the field of multi-Physiks FEM simulation.
The AQcomputare is a competent partner for R&D issues with physical and chemical background. We assist companies in finding new innovative solutions using the cutting-edge research results without losing touch with application. To manage the specific requirements and issues of our customers the company is divided into the three divisions AIPcalc, MATcalc and ARTyle.
The main corporate competence of AIPcalc is the specification of different effects using FEM simulations. This enables a global description of complex systems with all internal and external interactions possible. Our proposal includes various services along a R&D project. Our competent, interdisciplinary team of physicists, chemists, engineers, and mathe-maticians can draw on a wealth of experience in almost every industry and support our customer in getting a deeper read into processes and materials to advance the optimization of process and material properties.

Based on the experience we already made in the MATcalc devision and the customer demand, the division AIPcalc was founded.AIPcalc provids services in the field of multi-Physiks FEM simulation.
AQcomputare was founded in November 2009 out of the division of material calculation at the GWT-TUD GmbH. With initially three employees mainly tasks in the field of calculation of electronic properties for micro-electronics have been successfully processed.
As a spin-off of the Chair of Festkörper- und Optoelektronik at TU Chemnitz the business division material calculation in the GWT-TUD GmbH was founded. Also today there are some projects in cooperation with GWT.
The origin of the AQcomputare is the Chair of Festkörper- und Optoelektronik at TU Chemnitz. This section superficially dealt with questions of microelectronics. Up to now, there is a close contact between the TU Chemnitz and AQcomputare.